Note: The following article is for all subjects except language papers (English, Hindi, etc). We have a separate article for that. This is written specifically for CBSE exams.
Kindly carry a watch, water bottle and all required stationery materials.
You will be seated latest, 30 minutes before the exam starts. (15 minutes to fill in your details on the answer sheet and 15 minutes reading time)
On the day of the exam
Do not discuss before the paper. Relax on the way to the exam centre.
Read this article regarding the day of the exam.
In the first 15 minutes after filling in the details
relax yourself, refresh your mind (Can try: deep breaths, relaxation techniques, visualization techniques etc)
try not to put your head down, tends to make you sleepy
say your prayers, if you generally do
Give your-self positive self-affirmations such as “I will write a good paper”, “I know all the concepts”, “I am confident and well prepared” etc. This will boost your confidence and brain activity
Very important: Try to focus your mind. You might have a 100 different things going on in your mind – worries, tension, perhaps party plans; let them pass, don’t engage with these thoughts. Try to stay with thoughts related to the subject.
Reading time
Friends, these 15 minutes are the most crucial
Fun time is over, relaxation time is over. Your exam has already started. Focus 100%.
Read all the questions carefully
Point to keep in mind while reading the questions:
Skim through the questions
Don’t start solving them mentally before going through all the questions
Mark out questions (lightly with a pencil, if you can) which you don’t know the answers to or requires a lot of thinking from your side or you don’t understand the question Note: You should check with the invigilator if you can mark on the question paper
After skimming through all questions, now you can start mentally answering the tricky questions or the first few questions that you wish to answer.
Writing the paper (3 hours)
Recommended order of answering the questions:
First all the questions you already know the answers/ are confident/ you don’t have to think much/ direct questions rather than applied questions
Mark out the questions you’ve skipped with a pencil (lightly) on the question paper
Now you can start solving all the left out questions
Again you can use the same analysis, from the left out questions, perhaps, still skip those questions which you are clueless about and answer the rest. Then finally come back to these questions
Why use this order:
Secures marks: The marks for the questions you know the answers to.
Mental activity and processing speed are maintained and boosted: (When you start writing the exam, your mind is relatively fresh and you can think fast and answer questions well. If you answer questions you know well, your confidence gets boosted and you answer the paper better. In contrast, if you get stuck with a question and lose time, your confidence is reduced.)
Saves time (Due to the above point and you won’t waste time by getting stuck at a particular question during the start itself)
Sets a good impression on the examiner (This impression is generally generated in the first few questions. If you answer them well you’re better off.) Writing Tips – Part 1. Read this article that addresses a few more important points.
If you manage to complete the paper before time, depending on how much time you have left and the subject, do the following:
Revise the paper
Underling key points (Writing Tips – Part 2)
You can do these either one after another or simultaneously
If you still have time then draw lines between answers
Round 1: Quickly check if you’ve answered all the questions and written the correct question numbers in the answer paper
Round 2: Then check those questions which you are uncertain about/ you answered in haste/ felt you could have made a mistake in.
Round 3: Then check the rest of the questions
Try to write an answer to all questions, even if you don’t know the proper answers or you think the question is wrong
WHY: CBSE awards step marks.
If you know a part of the answer, definitely write how much you know
If you think the question is wrong, don’t try to be over smart and correct the question. Answer whatever is asked to the best extent possible.
Even if you have no clue of what the answer is, write something related to the question. You might get at least half or one mark.
For questions you are completely clueless about, you may attempt this before/after revision.
Check out an articles on
One of the most important aspects of the examination: SLEEP, DIET AND RECREATION