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Exam-Day Checklist - CBSE


It is imperative that you don’t stress yourself out. Brush up on some important topics, skim/ go through a paper or two, and then stop. Do not study late into the night even if you feel you haven’t revised enough; you need to be fresh in order to perform your best on the next day. Take the evening off to calm yourself and clear your mind so that you get a good night’s sleep.

Pack your bag carefully, ensuring that you have kept the following things:

  • School ID card

  • Admit card (you may want to keep a photocopy as well)

  • A sufficient number of pens and pencils, along with an eraser and a big scale, in a transparent case

  • Exam board (transparent)

  • Water bottle

  • Some snacks, if you think you will need them before or after the exam.

Do not pack your bag on the morning of the exam.


D-Day is here. Remain calm and focussed.

  • Avoid discussing the subject with others, as it often leads to unnecessary panic.

  • Reach the exam centre well on time. Remember, you will be seated by 10:00 am, as the reading time begins at 10:15. You should not reach the exam hall in a state of hurry.

  • Ensure that you are not carrying any chits or your phone into the hall and do not have anything written on your hand.

  • Use the restroom before the reading time begins.

  • Check with the invigilator if you are allowed to make any markings on the question paper.

  • Questions in the paper are printed alternately in English and Hindi, but not numbered separately. Ensure that you do not miss any questions due to this.

  • Check out our article on the Magical Three Hours to help you organise your time better.

All the very best!

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