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Writing Tips: Part 3


In any theoretical answer, it is extremely imperative to use keywords and specific terms related to the subject; it might take few seconds to recall the apt terms, but it helps not only in garnishing the content of the answer, but also in conveying that you are well-aware of the subject in-depth and are really well-prepared for the exam.

Example: Say, using specific and appropriate chemical and economic terms is a mandate in Chemistry and Economics exams respectively, and should not be recommended by any generic term or phrase. For instance, in Economics, when we talk about Government Intervention in fixing prices of commodities, within which we study government policies – Price Ceiling and Price Flooring, it is essential that terms like rationing, excess demand, excess supply (not deficient supply or demand respectively) and  black markets are used in the answer.

Yes, surely, one gets used to using these terms in the answers only through practice. As mentioned above, the time required to recall the terms, reduces gradually as you practise writing answers (say, in mocks) repeatedly, and when you are thorough with the content/text.

It is imperative to note that the answer key used by the teachers to check the paper is filled with keywords, which will be elaborated in a later article


In most of the cases, there exists some or the other kind of information, say mnemonics (used to memorize the points/steps/stages etc. under a topic) or formulae, which is very significant and/or we tend to forget them. So, jotting the important points down on the last sheet (naming it the rough sheet beforehand) as soon as the writing time begins, can be really helpful.

This technique can also be applied to individual questions, say when attempting an article or report in the English exam, it is advisable to ponder on all the points you would want to cover in the answer (which also depends on the word limit and the time to be allocated to the question). A few of the important points can be jotted down on the rough page, ensuring that all the essential points are covered, not forgotten.

Useful for Long Answers: This technique helps in saving time while attempting long answers as well, since once you’ve planned the structure of the answer briefly, the only task left is to write down the points in a sentence from and elaborate on them.

Caution: Kindly ensure that you are not spending a lot of time in jotting the important points down, and also that you are writing just the few major points, and not sentences. Otherwise, you may end up wasting time, and may not be able to complete writing/revising the paper in time.

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