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ISC Math- Breakdown of the Paper

There are few subjects as complex and divisive as Mathematics. Math has the ability to evoke strong reactions from students – one either loves it or hates it. For the latter, the ISC Math paper can seem like a torturous 3 hour ordeal of pain and suffering. But there is no need to worry. At its core, ISC Math is very easy, and if practiced properly, scoring 95+ is almost a guarantee.

The first step towards scoring well in Math is breaking down the structure of the question paper. In this article, we will do that.


· Total Marks – 100

· Reading Time – 15 minutes

· Writing Time – 3 hours

· Use of scientific calculator is permitted.

· The syllabus is divided into 3 sections – Sections A, B and C.

The division of syllabus and weightage of marks for each section is given in the table below.


Of the 3 sections in the paper, Section A is compulsory and must be attempted by all students. Following that, one can attempt either Section B, or Section C.

Section A (80 Marks):

· Question number 1 comprises 20 marks and has 10 sub-parts of 2 marks each. There are no internal choices. These questions are generally short and easy and can come from potentially every chapter. By analyzing sample papers and model test papers, we can say with a slight degree of surety, that there is one question each on relations and functions, matrices, trigonometric inverse functions and determinants and 4 questions on calculus and 2 on probability.

· Question numbers 2 to 10 are of 4 marks each with internal choices in 3 of them. Questions generally come from relations and functions, determinants, continuity and differentiability, Rolle’s Theorem/ Lagrange’s Mean Value Theorem, differentiation (double differentiation and applications of derivatives), integration (by parts/ partial fractions and finding limit of sum), differential equations and probability.

· Question numbers 11 to 14 are of 6 marks each with internal choices in 2 of them. One of these questions containing an internal choice is based on finding the inverse of a matrix. The sub-parts of this question are either on Martin’s Rule (I recommend attempting this question. It is easy and guarantees 6 marks), or on finding inverse using elementary operations (you may avoid attempting this one; although easy, it entails a lot of calculation). The remaining questions are on integration, applications of derivatives and probability.

Section B (20 Marks):

· This section consists of 4 questions (question numbers 15 to 18).

· 2 questions are of 6 marks each with no internal choices.

· 2 questions are of 4 marks with internal choices in each.

· A guaranteed question is a 6 marker from applications of integrals.

· A question on scalar triple product from vectors is likely to come.

· A question on finding the shortest distance between two lines in 3-D might come.

· Other concepts of planes, lines and vectors are very important.

Section C (20 Marks):

· This section consists of 4 questions (question numbers 19 to 22).

· 2 questions are of 6 marks each with no internal choices.

· 2 questions are of 4 marks with internal choices in each.

· The concepts of cost, revenue and profits are guaranteed in this section. Questions on the relationship between different measures of cost are asked.

· There has been a pattern of providing options between questions of 2 kinds from the regression chapter in Q 20. (According to the 2018 paper and the Council Specimen Paper). One kind is determining the equation of regression lines from given data, and the other is finding regression coefficients from data on standard deviation and the coefficient of correlation. Both types of questions are important and scoring, and should not be ignored.

· Q 22 is a problem on Linear Programming and is compulsory (and scoring too!)

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