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ISC Home Science Paper 2

This paper deals with Home Science practical examination which occurs in 2 sessions- a Planning Session and an Examination Session. Overall, the practical carries 20 marks.


Planning session 1 hour 5

Examination session 3 hours 15

1. Planning Session

An overview

There are 2 questions in the question paper which are theme-based. The candidates need to attempt only 1 question as there is an external choice between them. According to the theme mentioned in the question, you are required to plan a complete menu which includes starters, mocktails, main course, dessert and a few side dishes (optional). However, you will be elucidating any 2 main dishes which you intend to cook during the Examination Session. Ensure that those two dishes have different methods of cooking like boiling, frying, roasting, etc.

How to go about it?

· Prior to the planning session, you should learn the recipes of any 2 dishes. To play smart, those dishes should preferably be common to all themes because in case, they are not in sync with the theme, your marks may be deducted.

· Try to look for dishes that are unique and simple at the same time.

· In most of the schools, recipe books are also provided in the Planning Session for reference but avoid using them as you might end up wasting a lot of time.

· Do carry a carbon paper along with you because you will hand over the answer sheet to the examiner and retain its carbon copy with you.

· It is essential to carry your admit card. So don’t forget it.

How are you expected to write the recipes?

This is the template for writing the recipes:-

· Name of the dish.

· Ingredients required along with their quantities.

· Duration which includes time allotted for pre-preparation along with preparation of the dish.

· Method of cooking which includes all the steps of preparation.

2. Examination Session

An overview

This is the real practical examination. Candidates are required to cook any 2 dishes from the menu planned during the Planning Session, showing different methods of cooking and display the dishes prepared. Candidates are also required to prepare a flower arrangement or floor decoration.


Cooking 10 marks

Display 3 marks

Flower arrangement/Floor decoration 2 marks

Some common themes:-

· An overnight train journey

· Sister’s wedding anniversary

· Birthday party, which could be of a toddler or a teenager.

· Festival

· An achievement party.

Things to carry:-

· Lab coat

· Cutlery

· Utensils

· Hand towel

· Table runners

· Gloves

· Flowers/Colours

· Table mats

· Table cloth

· Ingredients

· Accessories to add to the aesthetic appeal of your display.

Points to note:-

· You must wear lab coat at all times while working and displaying.

· Hair should be tied back properly and nails should be trimmed short.

· As soon as you enter the lab, wash your hands.

· You should ideally be laying the table first and then, start preparing the dishes.

· Pre-preparation of dishes like chopping vegetables, etc can be done at home itself.

· After cooking the dishes, keep them as such in the utensils they were cooked in and begin working on flower arrangement or floor decoration. Try to be through with this quickly.

· In the end, display your dishes.

· If the examiner questions you on anything, then reply confidently.

· Make sure that your dishes, their display and the flower arrangement/floor decoration are in harmony with the theme.

Just take care of these points and you will ace the Home Science Paper 2. All the best!

*NOTE- This article was written on the basis of the things that I kept in mind while appearing for this paper. Certain portions were written with the official website of ISC and previous year papers as references.

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