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ISC English Paper 2 - Literature

The English paper always seem daunting in all aspects- from what to include from huge texts to mugging up quotes to completing the paper on time. Here are some tips we hope will help you in attempting the paper:

Attempting the extract-based questions:

Often, not knowing how to answer the question, students tend to beat about the bush and write extremely long answers for the extract-based questions. More often than not, there is confusion about how “long” the answers should be.

There is no fixed length for the answers. However, make sure that the answers for the extract-based questions are concise and to the point. The pupil analysis often shows very short answers and students wonder if the answers have to be that short. Remember to cover all relevant points in your answers, and it always helps to give the background of any situation you have been asked to describe. However, do not ramble on about information not asked for.

The extract-based questions often ask for the motive of the character- “why” the character did something rather than “what” they did. Thus, while reading your drama, try to understand the emotions and drives of the characters in order to answer those questions.

Writing the essay type questions:

The essay type questions pose a lot of challenges- consolidating your thoughts and arranging them in a coherent format, using quotes at the right places and completing the answers on time. Let us tackle these issues one at a time.

1. Consolidating your thoughts and forming your answers:

Every prose, poetry or drama has some main themes, which form part of almost every essay type answer. Write down answers for main themes and character sketches for main characters in detail in advance. While you need not mug up these answers (as you will remember them anyway, having written them yourself), you will also have answers ready before the exams. Even if you are very sure that a question will come in the examination, it is always better to learn your own answers by heart rather than mug up the content of a guide book.

Another advantage of pre-writing your answers is time management. When you write your own answers, or even go through questions, try to visualise your answers in your head. As a result, when you see a question in your exam paper, the answer will already be ready in your head and you will not have to spend a lot of time in framing your answer. Thus, visualisation is the key.

While there is no fixed number of pages that the board prescribes for these answers, anything between 3 to 5 pages for 20 marks should suffice. The length of the answer eventually depends on the scope of the question. Do not exclude any important information. At the same time, do not ramble just to increase the length of your answer.

2. Using quotes at the right places:

Quoting, of course, is imperative in order to enhance your answers and score well. Learning quotes by heart can be a daunting task. Make a list of all important quotes from all chapters- around 20 quotes from each. Writing them down will not only consolidate them in one place, it will also help you remember them.

Mention around 6 to 10 quotes in an answer at the appropriate places. Starting your answer with a quote can go a great way to enhance your answer and make the examiner realise that you know what the questions is expecting from you.

3. Knowing the background of the writer:

Knowing the background of the writer and a rough idea about the socio-political set up against which the story is set is necessary in case of the long essay type answers. Often, questions on the theme of the story require a certain amount of knowledge about the background of the story.

4. Presentation:

Last but not the least, presentation matters, especially in English. It is rather unfortunate but good and legible handwriting is a must. (Speaking as someone who had horrible handwriting), completing the lengthy paper with good handwriting can be a challenge. This challenge can be overcome by visualising answers, which gives you more time to write, and thus write neatly. Practicing writing answers at home will go a great way in ensuring good presentation if handwriting is an issue you need to work on.

We hope that these tips help you attempt the Literature paper better. In case of any suggestions, doubts or queries, feel free to drop a comment below.

Good luck and Happy Studying!

Here is an infographic for future reference:

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